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What a trip down memory lane, Parker! Nicely done! I wrote, a couple times, about Appel a decade ago, and used my favorite headline "trick" on at least one. Seeing as how "my" team was the only one in the Bigs whose abbreviation could be used as a "Star Wars" word play, I took advantage of it, and happily used 'Stro Wars as a headline lead: https://therunnersports.com/stro-wars-shattered-empire-the-blight-of-houstons-13-draft/

Anyway, I befriended Mark on LinkedIn maybe 5 years ago, and requested an interview. At this point, he had just gotten involved in investing in a sandwich shop (either one or a chain....not sure), and he told me he'd be glad to, but at a later time, as he was neck-deep in his new venture. Never heard back.

Your first sentence is SO spot-on! It is so much easier to evaluate talent in virtually any and every other major sport than baseball. The diamond talents are so fine-tuned that they can go south in a moment's notice. Other sports' talents are more easily spotted, identified, and can be focused on improving with more direction and focus. Anyway, great job on an always fascinating and mystifying subject!

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